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전자정부 누리집 로고이 누리집은 대한민국 공식 전자정부 누리집입니다.

국민과 함께하는 민생토론회

콘텐츠 영역

[Job opening] Full-time English Editor

기관명 : 한국국제교류재단 등록일 : 2016.12.08 마감일 : 2016.12.20
글자크기 설정
인쇄 목록

The Korea Foundation is seeking a native or native-level English speaker for the position of a full-time copy editor. Please look at the attatched file.

Interested candidates are invited to submit a cover letter and resume to recruit@kf.or.kr by no later than December 20, 2016. No inquiries are accepted and only candidates ed for an interview will be contacted. For further information about the Korea Foundation, please visit http://www.kf.or.kr

<자료 제공=인사혁신처 나라일터 gojobs.mospa.go.kr>

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