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콘텐츠 영역

2021 Medical Device Approval Report

출처 : 식품의약품안전처 담당부서/저자 : 첨단제품허가담당관 등록일 : 2022.07.22 유형 : 연구보고서 주제 : 의약품/신약개발
글자크기 설정
인쇄 목록

Ⅰ. Overview of Approval, Certification, and Notification of Medical Devices

Ⅱ. Approvals, Certifications, and Notifications by Type

Ⅲ. Approvals, Certifications, and Notifications by Compositio

Ⅳ. Approvals, Certifications, and Notifications of Advanced Medical Devices

Ⅴ. Approval of COVID-19 IVD

[Attachment] Medical Device Approval Process

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