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콘텐츠 영역

2015 사이버스페이스 총회 기조연설문(영문)

연설자 : 외교부 장관 연설일 : 2015.04.17
인쇄 목록


Today’s gathering of delegates from governments, the private sector and civil society is an eloquent reminder that this Conference has become the global platform for dialogue and cooperation on cyberspace. I thank our Dutch colleagues for organizing this Conference under the theme “putting principles into practice.”

It was two years ago in Seoul that we were able to produce the “Seoul Framework for and Commitment to Open and Secure Cyberspace.” The Framework contains basic principles on cyberspace, and provides the best common political denominators.


Ladies and gentlemen,

The 17th century French philosopher Rene Descartes famously said, “I think, therefore I am,” but now, we might as well say “I’m wired, therefore I am.” Cyberspace is relentlessly evolving as a hotbed of opportunity and potential, and a powerful engine for innovation and growth.

Paradoxically, however, greater connectivity brings us greater vulnerability. The more cyberspace becomes sophisticated and diversified, the more the chances of misuse and abuse grow as well.

We have vividly seen how grave the threat is from the cyber attacks on Sony Pictures and on my own country’s nuclear power plant operator last year. And we have witnessed that what happens online can have tragic, real-life consequences from the extremist narratives used to incite terrorism and recruit foreign terrorist fighters.

In short, states and communities, businesses and individuals – all of us face this common challenge. In particular, Koreans are more acutely aware of the scale of the threats – not only because we are a super-connected society, but also because we have been living on the frontline.

However, in a global cyber ecosystem, weak links in the chain can jeopardize the entire system. Such weak links include (1) the lack of consensus on the norms for cyberspace, (2) the absence of a cooperative mechanism which can facilitate attribution, and (3) gaps in cyber capacity among states.

So, the tasks for us are multiple.

First, we need to work on confidence building, in parallel with discussions on international norms. While we are still working on what the standards of behavior should be, confidence building is a realistic way of avoiding misunderstandings and misperceptions. In this respect, Korea has been setting up bilateral and trilateral dialogues with partner countries as a way of strengthening mutual understanding and transparency.

Second, we need robust, effective partnerships for countering cyber-attacks and cyber-crimes. Internationally, we should set up prompt and timely judicial cooperation and information sharing between countries, because time is of the essence in responding to cyber-attacks. In particular, states should actively work together in responding to cyber attacks on critical infrastructure and tracing down the perpetrators.

This will send a strong message to perpetrators, that even if they succeed in unlocking the pad, they will not be able to lay their hands on what they want.

Third, we need to reinforce the weak links within the global cyber ecosystem by building cyber-capacity. Since putting capacity building on the Conference agenda in 2013, Korea has been implementing an array of cooperation programs. This includes Global Cyber-security Center for Development (GCCD), which will open this year in Korea and provide policy advice, consultation and training on cyber-security measures to developing countries.


Distinguished delegates,

In the four years since the launch of the Cyberspace Conference, we have made important progress, reaching a shared understanding on the basic principles.

Now, the challenge ahead of us is to engage diverse actors and mobilize resources to implement those principles. The Hague Conference is a significant occasion to expand the participation of multi-stakeholders, including the private sector and civil society. It also offers us the opportunity to develop action agendas and facilitate the global dialogue on the future of cyberspace.

So today, let us come together to make sure that cyberspace remains an open space which benefits our security, prosperity and creativity.

 Thank you.

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